Career Workbook to accelerate your career

Accelerate your career with our
90-day career workbook

Careers are a long-term project. But some people seem to use this as an excuse to never get started to consciously navigating their careers. This career workbook will help you set inspiring goals and provides you with tools for you to actually achieve them.

  • 90-day journal for accelerated professional and personal growth
  • Tools for goal setting, identity work and routines to get there
  • Reflections for accelerated progress and to foster a success mindset
  • Daily motivational quotes and affirmations to think bigger

Main reasons for career dissatisfaction

There are many people out there unhappy with their careers, seemingly paralyzed be their daily unhappiness. Due to mortgage payments and other budget restraints, their brains might create the illusion that they have to go somewhere they hate it, each day, 5 days a week, forever.

In our experience, there are 2 main issues here.

  1. The wrong mindset.
    People who believe they are stuck in a situation are surely stuck there. Because they would be the only person that ever could release them. A personal and professional growth mindset is the key to get there, and it can be developed by everyone who wants to!
  2. No career goals.
    Instead of a long explanation, let’s have Alice in Wonderland point you into the right direction…

Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice: I don’t much care where.
The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.

Your Career Goals in the Career Workbook

Goal setting

Setting goals is an important step in your career. What matters most is that you create YOUR goals, and that you can differentiate between these goals vs. underlying expectations from your environment. The workbook provides tips on how actually to get there.

Live your dream career identity

Identity work

Once your goals are set, the next biggest question is: What version of myself is able to achieve these goals? Into what version will I need to develop to get there with ease and fun? This way, you will feel enabled to take valuable action in the now. Yeay!

Create routines to stay on track with your dream career

Routines to get there

And last but not least, every version of ourselves has their own routines they do – whether we are aware of them or not. So with the 90-day workbook, we support your reflections and learnings from each day so that you will be on the fastest lane to achieve your personal career success.

Ready to create the career of your dreams?

Get your career workbook now and start creating the career you desire, one day at a time.