Corporate Warriors Female Career Accelerator

1-on-1 Career Coaching:

The Fastest Way to Career Success

Are you tired of saying “it is what it is” to your career and incidents happening at your job?
Do you feel frustrated because you just KNOW that you deserve more – more fulfillment, better pay, a promotion?

I got you! Because I have been in the exact same place.

Since then I have dedicated all my time to support individuals like you in achieving their career and life goals. Because I am deeply convinced that you can have it all, if you just know what it is. I can help you create a sustainable roadmap to get there.

Is 1-on-1 Career Coaching what I need?

Personal career coaching can propel you forward if you’re feeling dissatisfied but unsure why, hitting a “glass ceiling” despite your potential. I’ll help uncover the source of dissatisfaction and break through to reach your goals.

Your career success does not feel sustainable

You’ve accomplished impressive feats: a prestigious title, good pay, and leadership responsibilities. Yet, the means by which you attained them fail to evoke pride because they don’t reflect who you truly are. How much longer can you continue pretending?

You are frustrated because you deserve more

You’ve put in the effort: pushing your manager, listening to career podcasts, reading books. Yet, implementing these strategies feels challenging, almost unnatural. You begin to wonder if this path is truly for you, yet a glimmer of hope remains.

You feel isolated in this career situation

HR didn’t assist with the promotion? Your boss speaks of creating a supportive work environment, yet no changes occur? It’s understandable to feel lonely. Especially if none in your close circle seems to understand… Know this: you’re not alone.

Holistic Career Coaching

This 1-on-1 career coaching follows a holistic approach:

  1. Through structured questioning, we’ll uncover what’s truly hindering your progress toward your dream career.
  2. Once identified, we’ll leverage my expertise as both a spiritual life coach and systematic coach to address obstacles and dysfunctional patterns on
    • actionable,
    • energetic,
    • and emotional fronts.

Since this relies on a trust-based partnership between us, I offer the initial session for FREE. It’s a 20-minute introductory meeting for us to connect and ensure it’s the right fit for you.

Customer Feedback

Clients come to me with quite similar ideas of what their “problem” is. But in the end, the root causes are very diverse. Just like the amazing clients of mine. Have a look!

When to NOT choose me?

Many career coaches exist, and it can be confusing to discern their offerings.

Please note on the right side the things I, as a holistic career coach, do not provide. Other career coaches may better address these requests.

I don’t do CVs and job applications

Many exceptional ex-HR coaches offer valuable insights and job search support. One standout is @thecareerdiet on Instagram.

However, this coaching focuses more on clarifying your true desires, enhancing your skills, and preparing you mentally for success. It addresses healing emotional wounds that impede progress and shifting limiting beliefs. It’s not about crafting a new CV to pass through HR gatekeepers.

I don’t encourage people to stay in victim mode

It’s natural to experience a phase where you feel powerless and undervalued.

Yet, I won’t dwell on the unfairness of the world because, as a coach, my aim is to empower you. I believe those with challenging backgrounds can forge remarkable careers, drawing from a resilience and determination often unseen in more “privileged” individuals.

While we can’t alter our past or origins, we can shape our future with the right mindset, the right tools, and determination!

I don’t do “standard” coaching (only)

I truly understand the power of coaching, which is why I pursued it as a career.

Yet, it was through spiritual coaching sessions I received that I truly grasped its transformative potential. This approach delves deeper than conventional systematic coaching, reaching beyond the mind.

Obtaining certification as a spiritual life coach wasn’t by chance. I’m confident that blending my expertise in business, human behavior, and systematic coaching with spiritual methods will deliver the most significant impact on my clients in the shortest time possible.

And this is what I am here for!

I am not here for talking without healing, feeling, doing

My purpose is to create meaningful change, and that’s where our journey together begins. If you’re simply seeking a listening ear, there are more affordable options available elsewhere.

During our coaching sessions, our dialogue serves to uncover the root of the “issue”. This involves asking probing questions and delving into the underlying causes of the career challenges you’re facing.

Once we’ve identified these issues, we will start a process of emotional exploration, healing, and action planning. It’s not solely focused on taking action, as I firmly believe that past wounds often hinder progress and must be acknowledged and healed. Once this healing process is underway, we can leverage newfound skills and a liberated mindset to achieve tangible results.

I am no psychotherapist

I want to emphasize that, in addition to the general disclaimer, I am not a psychotherapist but a coach.

The key distinction lies in our focus: coaching primarily centers on the present and future. While we may briefly explore your past to understand and address dysfunctional patterns, we won’t delve deeply into traumatic experiences. Moreover, our coaching relationship is not intended to extend over years.

If you require support in addressing deep-seated issues or trauma, I encourage you to seek assistance from a licensed psychotherapist without hesitation. Seeking help is a brave step toward your well-being, and you deserve the support you need.

Focus on value

Let’s talk results.

I am here for bringing you the best results in the shortest amount of time. However, not every obstacle is to be resolved in a 1-hour call.

Exemplary challenges my clients face concern:

  • Money mindset and negotiation
  • Communication and speaking up critically
  • Personal branding and selling their skills
  • Letting go and forgiving to finally move on
  • And many more…

Therefore, I price my products reasonably but demand your commitment. Longer commitments bring better results because we can go deeper. Hourly spoken they are cheaper than one-off sessions as I want to encourage you to invest in yourself.

The sooner you do it, the longer you can reap the fruits in terms of increased salaries and higher job satisfaction from now on until the end of your career.

Enjoy the process!

What you get

Ready to accelerate your career?

Request your free first call now and get to know your future career coach that will help you achieve the career success you deserve!